MongoDB client vs. MongoDB GUI vs. MongoDB IDE
So what exactly is Studio 3T? Here we explain three of the many hats it wears.Studio 3T as a MongoDB client
A client is a software program or application that allows you to connect to a server. Go wild with Studio 3T’s Connection Manager and connect to as many MongoDB servers as you need.Studio 3T as a MongoDB GUI
A Graphical User Interface (GUI) does exactly as it says. It provides a user interface with graphical menus, icons, dialogs, wizards, and other visual elements. The alternative to using a MongoDB GUI would be to use the mongo shell, though Studio 3T still has IntelliShell – an easy-to-navigate, built-in version – for when you need one.Studio 3T as a MongoDB IDE
An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) consolidates the many aspects of applicat...